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Blanketweed algae removal

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    One of the most unpleasant "guests" of pond owners - filamentous (blanketweed) algae - pond "hair". 




    The main reasons:

    • Light

    • Nutrients in the pond: nitrogen compounds, phosphates.

    • Not enough plants

    • Fish in a pond - more precisely, pollution caused by fish

    The appearance of algae in ponds depends on the amount of sunlight, nutrients, temperature. The source of nutrients in the pond is in the silt layer.

    This layer is caused by rotten grass, twigs, leaves, fish waste and other organic waste. In turn, helping to reduce these excess nutrients and sunlight will reduce algae growth in the future.

    Here are some effective pond management techniques:

    • Use natural bacteria such as AquaProEZ, Pro4000x, Pond Biotex, Algobac: This special blend of beneficial aerobic bacteria is specially formulated to break down the bottom layer of dirt and consume all the suspended organic matter floating in the water column.

    • Add an oxygen source to the system. Aeration or oxygen-releasing Quickoxy product provides many benefits. Oxygen not only helps create a healthy environment for fish, but also encourages beneficial bacteria to thrive and feed on accumulated organic debris. 

    Filamentous algae are very common even in relatively clear eutrophic water, where filamentous green masses develop.

    In the spring, Spirogyra grows underwater, but when there is enough sunlight and heat, it produces large amounts of oxygen clinging like bubbles between tangled filaments. The filaments rise to the surface and become visible as green mats.

    Grows particularly fast, prosperity requires very few conditions. Not only is it very difficult to get rid of, but it also endangers your fish, aquatic plants and wildlife. For this reason, it is very important to choose a fast and safe destroyer for these “guests” of the pond.

    Like all types of algae, “blanket” algae multiply through spores. These spores are in the air and can be transported from pond to pond by birds, amphibians and plants. 

    Is a “blanket” dangerous?

    The short answer, yes, can be dangerous for your pond and its residents.

    The growth of blanket algae requires the same nutrients as all other aquatic plants. Therefore, it can grow very quickly and easily bypasses  your other plants. In addition, it destroys all underwater plants by blocking natural light in the pond.

    Blanket algae will compete with fish for vital oxygen, which can cause fish to die due to lack of oxygen. In addition, fish can sometimes float in blanket threads, get stuck and not be able to break free, and eventually die.

    Removal methods

    Before starting any pond cleaning work, it is recommended to perform water tests (if possible): pH, KH, GH, nitrates, phosphorus, ammonium, which will show the problems to be corrected and the possible cause of algae.

    Methods of removal: manual-mechanical, chemical, biological, and certain species of fish.

    In some cases, if - very sunny weather + fish living in the pond + phosphate pollution, these algae multiply particularly quickly and may require several combinations to remove them. 


    This way, you will not remove the algae completely, you will only partially and temporarily reduce their amount. Various sieves and rakes can be used to remove algae.

    Mechanical removal is neccessary before using other algae removal agents, as the amount of chemical, biological removal agents is reduced.

    If you remove the "blankets" without using algae control agents, they may multiply later, as this will release the algal spores and the algae will multiply even more.

    Algae can be collected mechanically using algae control agents.

    Chemical method

    This is a quick method that can destroy algae "sheets" in 24-48 hours.

    However, dead algae can become a source of high pollution, settle to the bottom and need to be removed mechanically (only in shallow areas) or decomposed by additional bioproducts.

    Oxygen is used during the decomposition of algae, so in the presence of fish in a pond, it may be necessary to temporarily use oxygen tablets or increase aeration.

    There are various chemicals available for the rapid decomposition of algae.

    One of them is copper sulfate. However, excessive doses of it are toxic to the flora and fauna of the pond, its use needs to be strictly controlled, deposited dead algae are difficult to break down by bacteria, and toxic sludge increases.

    Complex products with oxygen, bacteria Blanketweed remover, Algobac, Quickoxy, Pond Biotex is the best choice.

    Destroys "blankets" in 24-48 hours, contains oxygen + algae-degrading bacteria - it is an effective tool, harmless to flora and fauna, more suitable for smaller ponds. 

    QuickOxy is also suitable for larger ponds. 

    Ultrasound equipment

    Is very effective but cost is higher. No chemicals, but bacteria is needed.

    Biological method

    The safest and easiest way, but the longest. (Often in the case of large amounts of filamentous algae, additional use of algicides (QuickOxy) is required). Works best when used  before the filamentous algae are present, although it breaks down existing filamentous algae as well.

    In this case, bioproducts use the same nutrients as algae and break down dead algae.

    Without nutrients, algae die, and the same bacteria consume algae as food.

    Bacteria also produce enzymes that break down pond organic sludge.

    This method takes at least 4 weeks, and sometimes longer, depending on the amount of nutrients in the pond, and  sunny days. It is adviced to use Dyofix dye for sunlight blocking.


    When using bacterial mixtures, you need to be patient as the result has to wait. On sunny days, the bacterial dose may need to be doubled.

    Its great advantage is that it is completely safe for the flora and fauna of the pond, the water remains transparent, and the sludge of the pond is reduced.

    Keep in mind that algae can reappear after a while, so especially if you are keeping fish, bacterial preparations should be used preventively throughout the warm season. 

    The photos show the broken filamentous algae (bacterial mass): 




    If you notice that your pond has been affected by “blanket” algae, this is a sign that your pond is not balanced. The most cost-effective way to prevent “blanket” algae is to help everything in the pond reach the right balance.

    It is important to remember that a pond is a small ecosystem, each element of the pond is combined to bring balance.

    We advise you to make sure there are enough plants in your pond as they will consume excess nutrients that can cause algae to accumulate in your garden pond.

    It is important to have the right plant balance in your pond.

    The use of phosphate, nitrate removers / absorbents, bioproducts is an alternative way to remove these excess nutrients in ponds where plants are not suitable.


    If you have already removed these algae from your pond, then it is vital to create the right balance in the pond. If you do not, you can guarantee that the problem will recur.

    • Minimize the amount of fish in your pond as much as fish activity waste can increase the amount of nutrients in the water that causes algae to accumulate.

    • Remove rotten vegetation, including dead leaves, although this seems like a small problem, they can unbalance the water level in the water and thus increase the amount of nutrients.

    • Regularly maintain pond filters to remove uneaten fish food, fish waste, and other debris that increase nutrient levels.

    • Make sure all the plants in your pond are healthy and thriving. Again, this may seem like a simple step, but it can really make the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy pond.

    • In ponds where plants are not used, use phosphate and nitrate removers to artificially reduce excess nutrients to remove the “blanket” algae food source.