
Products catalog

Pond/fish farm water treatment, algae and sludge removal

  • A guide to pond water treatment products

    What products are suitable for me to clean pond water?

    Brief descriptions can be found in the Products for ponds section.

    In all cases, one bio-product is recommended. Pond dye, oxygen products, ultrasound, etc. can be combined with it.




    • Bioproducts Algobac, Avibac Pond Maintain, oxygen product Quickoxy, pond dye Dyofix, ultrasound equipment. Used separately or in combination, depending on the complexity of the situation. In all cases, remove as much floating algae as possible manually before using the products. Do not leave on shore. More information on removing filamentous algae here 


    • AuqaPro EZ, Avibac Pond Maintain, Avibac H, Avibac ProBio, Quickoxy, ultrasonic equipment, pond dye. Used separately or in combination, depending on the complexity of the situation. 


    Green, dirty water. The problem is small unicellular algae. 

    • Avifloc for water clarification, Avibac Pond Maintain, AuqaProEZ, Avibac H, Pond Biotex, AvibacProBio for algae mass decomposition, ultrasonic equipment, pond paint. Used separately or in combination, depending on the complexity of the situation. Filtering equipment can also be used. Use zeolite or Ferrosorp AW fillers for water clarification, ammonium and phosphate removal. 


    Euglena is a single-celled algae.

    • Pond dye, Quickoxy active oxygen, Avifloc for water clarification, Avibac Pond Maintain, Pond Biotex. Used separately or in combination, depending on the complexity of the situation. 


    Each case is individual, write us an e-mail

    A pond may be clayey or very silty, or clayey with a large amount of silt at the bottom 

    • Avifloc for clarification. If there is a lot of silt in the bottom, we use Avibac Biotablets, Pro4000x, Avibac H, Avibac Pond Maintain, for smaller ponds and Pond Biotex. If the water is clayey - only Avifloc for clarification. Pond dye Dyofix - for color correction. Longoxy - for improving bottom sludge decomposition. 

    In general, all bioproducts are suitable. More specialized products for fish ponds Biofloc and Avibac F. Avifloc can also be used for water clarification, ultrasonic equipment, Longoxy oxygen pellets 

    Old decaying leaves, plant remains, fish activity products, etc. over time, it forms a layer of bottom sludge, which is a source of pathogens and nutrients for algae. Such sludge should either be dug up/pumped out or it can be decomposed thanks to Longoxy active oxygen granules and Pro4000x, Avibac Biotablets bioproducts. Email us if you have a problem. 

    Remember that the best result is achieved by using bio products preventively, i.e. until there was no water pollution and algae problem. 

    Bottom sediment reduction starts at the sludge surface and is broken down gradually, layer by layer.

    For heavily polluted ponds, the process of complete restoration is long and may take several years.

    You can find how to dose the products in the product description in the e-shop 

    Information and inquiries, consultations:, Tel. +370 62168746